Film Against Terrorism and War.

Story Board is Essential For FilmMaking?

Storyboarding may seem like some mundane, pointless task that will end up in your trash following completion especially if you’re not an artist, right? But in reality, storyboarding is a crucial part of the pre-production planning that visually maps out your entire project which greatly benefits you and members of your crew.     Filmmaking requires aContinue reading “Story Board is Essential For FilmMaking?”

Father of Indian Cinematography And Best Cinematographers In Indian Cinema.

C.SREERAM We can entitle him as “Father of Cinematographers”, mainly as he made an ardent dynamism to the spectators. For example, “Kuruthipunal” was a stunning success and was also preferred for Oscar Awards as the authorized entrance from India in the year 1996. Not only in Kuruthipunal, he had also overwhelmed the addressees with Geethanjali and Mounaragam. His flairContinue reading “Father of Indian Cinematography And Best Cinematographers In Indian Cinema.”

The film industry was controlled by the Nazis and ranged from anti-Semitic films.

The Eternal Jew” portrayed Jews in the way the Nazis wanted people in Germany to think about the Jews in general. Some of the film was taken in the ghettoes of Polish cities after the successful invasion of September/October 1939. It showed dishevelled Jews living in squalor and portrayed this as a ‘normal’ way ofContinue reading “The film industry was controlled by the Nazis and ranged from anti-Semitic films.”

About Russian Cinema From Its Start .

The first Russian fiction film, Stenka Razine by Drankov, dates back to 1908. By 1913, Russia already had 1,400 cinemas and had produced around a hundred films. From 1914, the Tsarist regime began making propaganda films. Protazanov, Gardin and Mozzhukhin enjoyed remarkable careers during the years of conflict. The Revolution in 1917 brought disarray to the filmContinue reading “About Russian Cinema From Its Start .”

First Film Festival In World Venice International Film Festival

The Venice Film Festival (Italian: Mostra Internazionale di Arte Cinematografica di Venezia) is the oldest in the world; its first (non-competitive) edition was held between the 6th and 21st of August 1932 on the terrace of the Hotel Excelsior on the Venice Lido, almost 90 years ago. The other major European film festival, Cannes, beganContinue reading “First Film Festival In World Venice International Film Festival”

Most Famous Indian Actors in Hollywood

Priyanka Chopra Priyanka is among the most successful Bollywood stars to have pursued a career in Hollywood. Her debut as the lead character in TV show Quantico, which is currently on its second season, was well-received in the United States and in India. While filming for Quantico, the charismatic actress also played one of the lead roles in BollywoodContinue reading “Most Famous Indian Actors in Hollywood”

Everything about Brumen John Biography & Movies .NollyWood Actor And Director .

Not only that, there are other stuffs about this handsome, charming and super talented Nollywood filmmaker that I’m gonna be talking about here and now. Definitely if you are one of his top fans, well” all you have to do right now is to calm down and read.Brumen John, is an Award-winning Continuity man whoContinue reading “Everything about Brumen John Biography & Movies .NollyWood Actor And Director .”

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