Story Board is Essential For FilmMaking?

Storyboarding may seem like some mundane, pointless task that will end up in your trash following completion especially if you’re not an artist, right? But in reality, storyboarding is a crucial part of the pre-production planning that visually maps out your entire project which greatly benefits you and members of your crew.     Filmmaking requires aContinue reading “Story Board is Essential For FilmMaking?”

Five Movies From Arab titles that have achieved International acclaim, and why they are worth watching.

 The Oscars are just around the corner, and in January the shortlist for the coveted Best Foreign Language Film award will be confirmed. Several titles from the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) region have been submitted for consideration, including Saudi director Haifaa Al-Mansour’s “The Perfect Candidate.” The entry, which tells the story of aContinue reading “Five Movies From Arab titles that have achieved International acclaim, and why they are worth watching.”

Top 27 Actors In World Cinema

Glenn Close She hasn’t been attached to any major titles of late, but she’s still one of the most talented actors on the planet. It seems like the 6-time Oscar nominee will be in the conversation at next year’s Oscars when Sony Picture Classics releases “The Wife,” which wowed audiences at last year’s Toronto InternationalContinue reading “Top 27 Actors In World Cinema”

Oscar Winning British Movies

And the Oscar Went To… British Best Picture Winners Through the Years Image courtesy of The Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences  The Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences announced its nominations for the 90th annual Academy Awards earlier this week. Among the Best Picture nominees are British films Darkest Hour, Dunkirk and Phantom Thread. If recent award show results areContinue reading “Oscar Winning British Movies”

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