About Russian Cinema From Its Start .

The first Russian fiction film, Stenka Razine by Drankov, dates back to 1908. By 1913, Russia already had 1,400 cinemas and had produced around a hundred films. From 1914, the Tsarist regime began making propaganda films. Protazanov, Gardin and Mozzhukhin enjoyed remarkable careers during the years of conflict. The Revolution in 1917 brought disarray to the filmContinue reading “About Russian Cinema From Its Start .”

Kurosawa Magical Movies

On Kurosawa: A Tribute to the Master Director – Peter TASKER “Why Kurosawa? Because his best work is for the ages; like an unscaled mountain range, it inspires, intimidates and challenges. Because he encapsulates both the history of cinema and the history of modern Japan. Because he changed my life.” Few artists have bequeathed theContinue reading “Kurosawa Magical Movies”

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